Nearly one quarter of all people living in the United States have a tattoo, and nearly 50% of those people will seek tattoo removal at some point in their lives. Here at Marvel Clinic, we provide safe and effective laser tattoo removal to patients in Middle Tennessee seeking to remove unwanted tattoos.
Laser Tattoo Removal Using UltraLight-Q Technology
When treating benign pigmented lesions and tattoo ink, the safety profile of the UltraLight-Q’s nanosecond pulse width makes it possible to attain reliable and predicable clinical results with minimal risk of adverse reactions and textural changes to the skin. The PhotoAcoustic power of the UltraFine-Q selectively shatters and destroys the target chromophore while preserving the surrounding healthy cellular structures. The macrophages of the skin’s immune system will then start cleansing the fragments from the body. Impressive clinical results with the UltraFine-Q are easily obtained and repeatable.